Thursday 6 March 2014


Fierce debates are taking place in a number of countries regarding the decision by Denmark to forbid (by law) the killing of animals by Kosher and Halal methods on the basis of cruelty.  I have read articles in the world's press defending the decision and angry articles denouncing this on the basis of religious reasons.

What I find extraordinary is that two of the three great religions that came out of the Middle East (Judaism and Islam) and by the way we might as well throw Christianity in there as well - have never come out and clearly stated that it is cruel and wrong to kill any animal. I have never understood how religions such as Buddhism and Jains and others refuse to kill any living creature and yet billions of people all over the world never even think of these matters - happily chewing steaks, ribs, chicken wings, burgers, fish of all varieties, sashimi - you name it? Without any thought of the suffering, pain, terror and killing that is involved. The bottom line is that most people simply don't care.

I recently wrote a blog titled 150 Billion Slaughtered EveryYear - someone wrote to me saying "it can't be that high" - well the statistics show this, but even if this figure is not totally accurate - so what? Does 100 billion animals killed make it any better?

Despite the deeply depressing truth of the genocide that the human race carries out on the animal and fish population there are hugely encouraging and delightful stories emerging of people who have dedicated their lives to saving animals and helping them recover from traumatic situations such as baby Elephants or Orangutans whose mothers have been killed for in the case of Elephants their ivory or for the horn of the Rhino or simply killed for sport.

I thought I'd cheer every up by posting some wonderful and inspiring photographs of love, compassion and dedication that warm the heart in this sad and violent world that we have created. What people don't get is that if you can happily accept killing animals of all shapes and sizes to eat them - its a small step to killing people - and what do we see in the world today? Wars, terrorism, corruption, hatred, jealousy, power grabbing, violent indoctrination and all the destructive elements that the human race engenders in an ever spiralling whirlpool of misery and suffering. When will this evidently stupid and self destructive race called "humans" realise that LOVE, COMPASSION, KINDNESS, CARING, HEALING are the only things that matter in this life - yes, of course we have to earn money to live, yes we all want a good quality of life - but surely not at the expense of causing suffering, misery and death - think about it?

Enjoy these wonderful and inspiring photographs:

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