Wednesday 13 January 2016


I wrote in my last blog about meditation and mindfulness in the work place - but why shouldn't we experience the joy of this precious life we have been given each moment of our day?

Every second or minute of our lives is a gift and we waste so much time don't we? Life flashes past - hundreds of thoughts flood our minds every hour - dashing here, running there, meeting deadlines... on and on - the days and months go by without hardly a thought of "each moment".

Every day we see on the television news, read online or in newspapers that some new disaster has taken place - whales and dolphins being killed - oceans polluted by nuclear waste -whole species becoming extinct - flooding, earthquakes - violent deaths by shooting or other means - suicide bombers sadly destroying not only their own lives but innocent people around them - air disasters - civil wars - it goes on and on doesn't it - sometimes it really gets too much to cope with - lives destroyed without thought or consideration - However, we must not be overwhelmed by this - we have to believe that the human race can rise above this misery and destruction. 

Life is so very precious and if we become consumed by the outpouring of bad news that the media pumps out day in and day out - we could easily begin to believe that there is no hope for the future - HOWEVER THERE IS GREAT HOPE - BUT WE NEED TO ACT NOW!

WE NEED TO RETHINK OUR LIVES and the way we live each day

When we start the process of valuing each moment - each breath we take - and to realise that we have all be given an incredible opportunity by being born a human being - then we can start to actually live our lives in a way that will have real meaning - by caring and being compassionate about everyone we meet - about the way we treat animals and the world we live in. 

Take just a few minutes each day to sit quietly and begin to meditate by calming your mind and freeing it from all the thousands of thoughts that pound it every hour and moment of the day. Sit in a comfortable chair or anywhere that is peaceful and quiet and gently breathe in and breathe out - just think of your breathing - let all your thoughts fly away - simply don't follow them - just concentrate on your breathing - give your mind a rest and it will begin to calm you down and bring focus and peace to your busy life 

Ultimately it is all about YOUR MIND - and how you can bring peace and happiness into your life. How many times have I heard these words: "My mind is too busy, I can't sleep or get some peace" - have you ever thought this? Most of my blogs have gone into this subject more deeply, but the important thing to remember is that you can begin to change your life and the way you think and feel NOW -TODAY.

By meditating and gently bringing your mind to a peaceful and quiet state is such a relief - but more important it is the first step to building compassion and kindness and this will change your life and all those you meet for ever - bringing happiness into your life and others too.

We are what we think - we do what we think? Think about it - its all about MIND. Begin the process of meditating on life and death and how you can bring happiness to every living person you meet and also the animals and creatures around us - don't forget  they hurt too! 

Every human being has the right to find HAPPINESS in their lives but all people SUFFER - we become ill; we get hurt both physically and mentally; we can and sadly will experience tragedies; lose our friends and families; lose the pets we love; we eventually will die - all of us will successfully achieve this - if we have lived a life that has brought joy and happiness to people and everyone and everything around you - you can die peacefully and with your mind at rest - if you have caused suffering, pain and misery it will be too late for you as you lie dying to change and do anything about it - THINK ABOUT THIS PLEASE - its never too late to change whilst you are healthy and have your mind - if sadly dementia or other similar ailments come into your life it will be too late -  so you must start the process of changing your life - do it NOW. Is it really too much to ask for HAPPINESS in your life?

COMPASSION & KINDNESS are the only spiritual path you will ever need whatever your beliefs and cultural upbringing. This will bring you, your loved ones and all those you meet great happiness and joy. Then you life has real meaning and real purpose - spreading love and kindness is NOT some new age, whacky thinking - it is a real path that will change the way you live your life. Giving value to each minute and each day - think about it - and more importantly ACT UPON THIS - ITS LIFE CHANGING

Here are some wonderful and wise words from a great teacher Ajahn Chah: 

“Just try to keep your mind in the present. Whatever arises in the mind, just watch it and let go of it. Don't cling to thoughts. Then the mind will return to its natural state. 

No discriminating between good and bad, hot and cold, fast and slow. No me and no you, no self at all - just what there is. When you walk there is no need to do anything special. Simply walk and see what is there. No need to cling to isolation or seclusion.

Wherever you are, know yourself by being natural and watching. If doubts arise, watch them come and go. It's very simple. Hold on to nothing. It's as though you are walking down a road. Periodically you will run into obstacles. When you meet defilements, just see them and overcome them by letting them go.

Don't think about the obstacles you've already passed; don't worry about those you have not yet seen. Stick to the present. Don't be concerned about the length of the road or the destination. Everything is changing. Whatever you pass, don't cling to it. Eventually the mind will reach its natural balance where practice is automatic.

All things will come and go of themselves.”

~ Ajahn Chah, ‘A Still Forest Pool: The Insight Meditation of Achaan Chah’

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