Tuesday 7 April 2015


Killings in Kenya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, the Ukraine, a co-pilot flying his plane into a mountain and killing 140 people - it doesn't stop does it? Killing and more killing and IT HAS TO STOP NOW!

When will the human race understand that KILLING IS THE GREATEST POSSIBLE SIN?
It is an incredible sadness that there are killings reported daily everywhere in the world - The human race it seems never learns anything does it? - lessons are soon forgotten - the misery & suffering rises again and again - power grabbing, ideology, indoctrination (we are right - you are wrong - you will do what we say -  killing in the name of God, etc) ego, pride, ignorance causing hatred, jealousy, greed - the poisons that lead to all suffering. What's more we are not only killing one another - we kill millions (possibly billions) of fish and animals each year - basically the human race is the greatest killer the world has every known.

However, we also have to face the fact that today we are having to deal with an intense wave of Islamic killings especially by the terrorist groups of ISIS, Al-Queda, Boko Haram, Al-Shabab and all those other violent groups that abound around the globe. Of course, we should not assume thatnot all deaths are caused by Muslims but we have to face the fact that there is undoubtedly a massive shift in the Islamic world and in particular the Wahhabi teachings where we are seeing levels of violence rising at a frightening rate.

One of the key problems is that these violent groups believe that life after death is more important than this life and in the doctrine of a holy war or jihad.
What these sadly deluded people don't understand is that IT IS A TERRIBLE SIN TO KILL ANYONE and when they go, as they believe they will, in front of Allah when they die - do they really believe that when confessing to killing innocent people, God will say "well done here's your reward"? - No my friends - if you believe in God - God is NOT going to be saying "Well done you successfully killed 40 unbelievers or whatever! Sadly, these people are going to go to the deepest Hell - the Hell you create in this life is assuredly carried forward into the next - None of us can escape the results of our actions. How do we know this – simply because this is the most basic principle of our lives.

Ultimately, it is a simple case of "cause and effect" - we are what we think and what we do - We are responsible for every thought and therefore every action and these rebound back to us - we cannot escape this - it is like throwing a pebble into the water - the ripples go out and then slowly come back to the centre - this is exactly the same with our thoughts and our actions. We are responsible for our actions and if you kill you will pay the price.
What I can never understand is why are people so easily led? - Why are people so incredibly stupid to believe that killing will bring them happiness and rewards after death?

I read in an article in the London Times recently and wrote a blog about this, which some of you may have read. This article is written by Will Pavia regarding an interview with Ayaan Hirsi Ali concerning her new book “Heretic: Why Islam needs a reformation now!” It is a fascinating but sad insight into why so many young people are joining ISIS something, which I am sure most of us cannot begin to understand.
Ayaan Hirsi thinks the true crux of the problem lies with precepts that are fundamental to Islam. Among them, she argues, is the idea that life after death is more important than the travails of this life on Earth, the doctrine of jihad or holy war, the divine status of the Prophet Mohammed and the literal reading of the Koran.

While governments have sought to bolster moderate preachers against the radicals, Ali argue that if these preachers and task forces are still “preaching life after death as more important than life before death, and Mohammed’s infallibility, and that the Koran can’t be questioned”, then they are a very big part of the problem. People are so easily led - the need to believe I can understand, but to follow blindly, without questioning these beliefs, is breathtaking. 

In Ayaan Hirsi's latest book, Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now, Ali argues that the young men and women who fully absorb these precepts struggle to square them with life in the West. “Embracing violent jihad has become an all too common means for young Muslims to resolve the cognitive pressures of trying to lead an ‘authentic’ Muslim life within a permissive and pluralistic Western society,” she writes.

She quotes the Egyptian author Tawfik Hamid, a former member of a radical Islamist group and now “one of a new generation of Islamic reformers” who points to specific verses in the Koran that “can easily be used to justify what the Islamic State is doing”, verses which cite the obligation to fight unbelievers, the imposition of a humiliating tax on Jews and Christians and violent punishments for blasphemy, apostasy and so forth.

The principle that "we are the only true Muslims" is simply not true but you can see where this all leads to - violence, killing and more killing - when in reality they are building a horrific karmic result for themselves both in this life and after death.

How do we (the rest of the world) deal with this? It is very difficult to come up with quick answers - of course education and serious debate about Islam (and indeed any other ideology that results in killings) is the answer but this will take generations to take effect. However, we have to start and quickly - the message has to get across by people who care deeply about our planet, the world we live in and the SANCTITY OF LIFE.

WE ARE ALL EQUAL - we all hurt, we all suffer, we all cry, we all bleed, we all lose our loved ones, our parents and grandparents - we lose friends, we become sick - we all die - without the trees and plants we can't breath - without the efforts of millions of people there would be no food, without the sun and the moon and the rain there would be no trees or crops, without this earth we wouldn't be here. How can these Muslims treat women as third rate people - they are our mothers and grandmothers - without them there is no life - THERE WOULDN'T BE YOU?

Halal or Kosher killed meat is also seriously wrong – the suffering of these animals is appalling – Can’t humans get it into their heads that killing anyone including animals is a terrible thing to do - any killing is wrong - of course, we are never going to convert the world to vegetarianism - but killing and causing suffering for animals is a crime by any standards - Animals breath the same air, they hurt, they bleed, they love, they have babies, they suffer too!!! Why is the human race so hugely arrogant to believe that animals are there simply for our pleasure and to eat? There has to be a major shift in the way we think - all of us not just these violent Islamic groups. Only then will the world become a happier and peaceful place.

Since the Second World War ended in 1945 there have been something like 250 major wars with an estimated 50 million deaths, tens of millions made homeless and countless millions wounded and bereaved. These statistics do not include the myriad of smaller wars and conflicts that continue to cause untold misery and suffering.

However, despite this appalling picture there is HOPE

We don't need all this ideology and frankly false man made teachings - we only need our MIND and KINDNESS to live a fruitful, compassionate and fulfilled life. Your church, your mosque, your synagogue, your temple should be in your MIND. It is your mind that dictates everything you do. I have written many blogs on this subject - but it is so obvious isn't it? We are what our mind thinks and dictates? If you wake up each morning and practice compassion - saying to yourself "I pray for all living people and creatures that they may be happy and free from suffering" - you are making an important step to controlling your mind instead of it controlling you and bringing peace and happiness!
As the Dalai Lama states in his very simple but wonderfully truthful statement - "your brain or mind & heart is your temple and your philosophy should be kindness" - you don't need anything else in this life - train your mind to think loving, kind, compassionate thoughts and your life will change beyond measure - make your spiritual path and philosophy in life one of "kindness". Don't cause suffering - don't make people miserable - don't harm others - bring happiness into peoples lives - bring compassion to people and animals alike - we all bleed - we all hurt - we all suffer - nobody is better than anyone else - its only ego, cruel ambition, jealousy, desire, hatred, ignorance that causes suffering - kindness, love, compassion and caring brings happiness. Its pretty damn simple isn't it?
Just because your next door neighbour has a bigger car - so what? Just because your Imam tells you to kill in the name of Allah - Just because the Priest tells you to hate someone from another religion does that make it right? THINK, USE YOUR MIND and realise that killing and hatred will only come back to cause you misery and suffering -
All those people who are fighting in Syria, Iraq, Africa, Asia, Libya, Afghanistan, wherever - what are you fighting for? Land; Power; Religious beliefs that state “my beliefs are better than yours”? Imposing your beliefs on all others and in doing so bringing misery and death to millions - How many people must die and suffer the most terrible harm, homelessness, bereavement before sanity and peace reigns?

Unless the human race begins to rethink itself and its motives and its position on this planet - there won't be a human race!! FACT.

Its time to WAKE UP - there won't be any fish to eat because we will have emptied the oceans through mega fishing, pollution and poisoning - its estimated we already kill around 150 billion animals each year just to satisfy the taste buds of the rampant human race - 50 million humans killed in wars since 1945 - not to mention the hundreds of millions suffering, wounded or homeless! For God's sake or more important for YOUR SAKE - stop this now and begin the path of KINDNESS, COMPASSION and LOVE - is it really so difficult?
At the end of your life will you look back and say to yourself - I brought some happiness to people and animals in my life - or will you look back in horror at the misery and suffering you caused - it will be too late to undo that pain as you go into your last illness and prepare to die. Most people never think of dying and death - its something you don't talk about - something to put at the very back of your mind - I can hear you say "that won't happen yet"? Won't it? How do you know? How do any of us know?

Isn't it better to live a life of positivity, of compassion, of love, of caring - so at the end of your days you can say in all honesty to yourself - I am at peace now and (if you believe in God) I can meet my God in peace and with the knowledge that I tried my best to make people happy - if you don't believe in God - isn't it still good to end your life at peace and having brought happiness and love to those you met and lived with? If you have killed in the name of God or some religious ideology be prepared to face the hell and consequences of your actions. I am serious - think about it!
It all begins in your MIND - you have a brain - use it!
Thank you for reading

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