Thursday 1 August 2013



This was the first blog I ever wrote: 

I was reading it again today and I realised that it is as valid today and it was then - nothing has changed whatsoever  - violence fills our television screens - the names may change - The situation in Afghanastan is terrible, wars stalk the world,  ISIS and its vicious violence is prevalent today, Boko Horam causing sorrow and desperation, when these people kidnapped those poor young girls in Nigeria remains deeply etched in our collective memory - as much as what happened previously, in Paris and Brussels. We can never forget any atrocity and the people that suffered and died - can we? But, there also has to be hope that this misery and pain can be overcome.

As I wrote above, suffering is all around us at every conceivable level - be it appalling violence in major cities, immigrants desperate to leave the war torn devastation of Syria, Yemen, Sudan etc, big chemical explosion in China, air crashes, road deaths, shootings, suicide bombers - to a death or serious illness in the family - or the loss of a loved pet. We also see violence daily on films and on television series - super heroes wipe out life with scary abandon, seemingly making killing OK!! Its all suffering and it affects everyone. However, there is another side to this picture...

Ultimately the label or name of the people who cause this suffering is of no importance - what is important is that we must pray for their victims, their families and friends but also for the perpetrators of these violent crimes. Why? Because they will ultimately have to face themselves and their God, who will confront them with their violence and their actions - "We reap what we sow" - "cause and effect" - karmic actions - it stares you in the face - you cannot cause harm to others and not expect this to rebound back to you -  We are entirely responsible for our actions and if you are kind, caring, compassionate and loving you will reap that reward, because you are bringing happiness to people and all living creatures. If you cause harm, spread hatred, kill or wound and cause suffering you are going to pay a terrible price - and this is why we must pray for them. 

However, despite the levels of violence and hate that is being spread by distorted religious and other beliefs - there is enormous hope for the future - it is not all bleak and doom laden - there is great love in this world too and we can change the way people think via compassion and love - This is not some wacky new age thinking - this is real and we can all make a difference 

I wrote this original blog more than six years ago as follows - thanks for reading:

"My first blog is based upon the sense of sorrow and at times desolation I feel whenever I read a newspaper or view the nightly TV news. Before I get deep into this - it is not my intention to depress you all - indeed the opposite - but surely a wake up call to what is happening on this wonderful globe of ours is worth at least one blog?

I have been fortunate to travel and work in many parts of the globe and wherever I go I am often blown away by the friendliness, warmth, compassion and welcome I receive from people of all walks of life - be it local leaders, royalty, company directors to teachers, doctors, janitors, housewives, cleaners, nurses, electricians, engineers, artists, musicians, singers, stage hands... you name it. And yet... it is these same people who are lost and suffering in the pains and trauma of civil war, strife, hurt and suffering - Examples - there are plenty believe me - Syria, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Chechnya, Pakistan, Mali... the list goes - people want and pray for happiness for themselves and their families -  but their dreams are so quickly driven away by the greed of power - corruption, tribal or personal hatreds, egos, jealousy, ignorance, pride, religious or political indoctrination, gang loyalties & warfare, cultural loyalties and lack of education that drives people into the hands of those who want to do harm and grab power under a disguise of a ruthless God, national or tribal fervour.

We see this all the time - we hear and see it on our work stations, lap tops, radios, television sets, iPad's, Samsung's, Nokia's, iPhone's, Blackberry's you name it - we are bombarded by news and its not just wars and strife - in the past two weeks alone we have seen terrible train and bus crashes - peoples lives changed in a flash of time. We see the horrific abuse of women in many societies - female genital mutilation - so called honour killings - beatings because a wife or daughter is treated like some chattel. 

However, despite the sadness and daily reminders of people suffering, we must also remember the love of a mother and her child; the compassion and caring of doctors, nurses, hospital & hospice staff who lovingly care for the dying and injured; the love and happiness a new child gives parents, grandparents and all families alike. We must never forget the kindness we face every day from people we may never meet again - gentle and wonderful reminders of the kindness and love that the human race is capable of. This is my blog prayer - that all of us pray for those that are suffering today, now - at this very minute - pray that they may find peace and happiness and be out of pain and suffering - pray that all sentient beings (and I include every living creature in this) can find peace and happiness in their lives

All religion and spiritual paths should be about one thing LOVE - it doesn't matter whether you are a Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, Agnostic, Atheist - you name it - all of us have an obligation to make our planet a happy one and to do everything in our power to prevent suffering - a life saved means everything - remember this when you see ants or insects of any kind - they have a right to happiness too. 

Think twice and then think again before you eat that juicy steak, beef burger or fish fingers - taste good don't they? - However, have you considered that a young calf, beautiful lamb or fish had been killed so that you can satisfy your taste buds! I am not suggesting everyone in the world should suddenly become vegetarian overnight (although that would be great) - but please think about what you eat and the suffering that is caused when we kill literally billions of defenceless animals and fish every year. 

If we develop compassion for all living creatures, our own and your lives will change dramatically - HAPPINESS is there to be taken NOW and become a massive part of your life - but you have to create this environment and work at it - Happiness doesn't just come by itself!

Please remember that:

Love, Compassion, Caring, Kindness, Good thoughts - all lead to Happiness

Hatred, Ego, Pride, Jealousy, Anger, Ignorance, Avarice - all lead to Suffering

Please pray in your own way for all those that need our love, compassion and healing today and every day

Thank you for reading

1 comment:

  1. Always inspired and impressed by you Peter. You have a wonderful way with words, thoughts, love and inner motivation. Thank you for sharing x
